and Myopia (Wisteria series
by Bisi Leyton

Eighteen year
old Bach, from a race known as The Family, has no interest in human affairs. He
was sent here to complete his Great Walk and return home as a man—as a Sen Son.
The Family regard humans as Dirt People, but Bach is drawn to this Terran girl,
whom he has never seen before, but somehow knows.
Hunted by flesh
eaters, cannibals, and the mysterious blood thirsty group called Red Phoenix,
Wisteria and Bach make their way back to the Isle of Smythe, a community built
on secrets and lies.
And now, for Book 2, Myopia.
Wisteria has embraced her deep bond with eighteen-year-old Bach, a member of a
supernatural race called the Family, despite the risk of his family finding
out. Should Bach’s people discover his bond with a human, Wisteria will be
guaranteed a painful and bloody death—but somehow, being together is more
Their bond is
tested when empirics, an elite group of Family investigators, are sent to the
Isle of Smythe under the orders of Bach’s father to find artifacts stolen by
the humans. They’re to find the artifacts at any cost. Among the empirics is
Bach’s old friend, the stunning Alba, who has learned about Bach and Wisteria’s
secret relationship, and surprisingly accepts this. With no one else in the
Family to turn to, she becomes Bach’s ally and confidant, but possibly more.
As the empirics
start to take over the town, Wisteria is torn between trusting Bach and the
safety of the humans on Smythe. She soon realizes that she and Bach are on
opposite sides of the war between the Family and Humans, and there is no middle
ground. One of them must choose a side.
Check out an excerpt from Wisteria!
Thirteen months after the
first official case of Nero Disease
“Wisteria, run!”
Rebecca O’Leary screamed over the radio.
Wisteria Kuti
whipped around and came face-to-face with the blood-red eyes of a hungry
flesh-eating biter. The biter was a man, infected by Nero Disease, who had long
lost his mind. He looked more animal than human and he wanted one thing—to feed
on the flesh of uninfected people. The biter growled and staggered toward
She fled down
the deserted road to the nearest house. The front door was locked. She kicked
at the door, but it didn’t open. Taking out her handgun, she smashed through
the window of the door.
“Ugh,” more
biters growled behind her.
She spun around,
fired once, and hit one in the head. She unlocked the door by reaching in and
turning the lock. Once inside, she chained and bolted the door.
Crash—a biter smashed through another window into the house.
Wisteria’s heart
jumped and she darted up the stairs as fast as she could.
“Get out of the
house, Wisteria!” Rebecca radioed.
I’m trying.
A biter grabbed
her ankle as she ran. Falling hard on the steps, she wailed in pain. “Ah.” No time to cry, Wisteria. She fired at
the biter holding her. One bullet left.
Three more
biters appeared below and started coming up the stairs. Leaping up, she
sprinted to the top floor and dashed into the first open doorway that led to
the master bedroom. Locking the door, she headed straight for the window.
Check out another excerpt from Myopia!
“I promise when I know for certain what is going
on, I will tell you and we will help Coles understand, but right now my father
has gotten involved and that makes everything more complicated.”
“For one, if he finds out I am communing with a
free human.” He shuddered. “I do not know what he would do.”
not any worse that my mum, if she finds out you’re here right now,” she joked
and stopped playing. “She’ll kill you and your dad will murder me.”
Pulling the guitar out of her arms, he put his arms
around her.
They’d spoken about the gravity of their
relationship a few times, but they’ d never been able to figure a way out that
would result with one of them walking away unharmed. The threat wasn’t her
mother. Although she didn’t like Bach, since Major Coles had welcomed him into
the island, the worst her mother could do was lock Wisteria away.
His father was a different story. Bach’s father was
the Sen of the Third Pillar within the Family. He was a powerful leader who on
more than one occasion had killed free humans for communing with members of the
Family. There was no vice considered more heinous, disgusting and malicious as
willingly loving a human. The price of that was blood—human blood.
Both factors resulted in them meeting in secret for
the last four months. They settled on the church clock tower, weeks before he’d
left for Jarthan.
“Do you want me to tell Coles you’re back?” She
stretched herself across the lush rug. “Did you get him a present too?”
“There is a lorry full of ammunition parked at the
end of the bridge, leading to town. I am sure Major Coles knows I have
returned. I also brought him some medicine he said the hospital needed.” He
pointed at several white boxes which sat in the corner.
“Bullets and pills,” she murmured. “Nice. Anything
for my mum?”
He looked at her as if she were insane. “She would
shoot me in the face if she ever saw me. The only reason she would not torture
me is because I saved her life.”
“So basically, you’re saying my mother isn’t good
enough for a present?” She glared at him.
Rubbing his temple with his right hand, he tried to
explain. “Listen—”
Laughing, she hugged him from behind and laid her
head against his back. “I’m joking.”
“That is not funny.”
She kissed the back of his neck, and then lay back
“Your mother is…” He turned to talk to her and saw
her adjusting her skirt over her legs.
He was taken aback by how beautiful she was. Many
people, human or Family, couldn’t see it for some reason, but she was the most
beautiful woman he knew.
She finally noticed his stare and bit her plump
bottom lip. “What’s wrong?” Frowning, she sat up.
He shook his head. The thoughts he was having were
not something he could share with her.
“Are you all right? You’re completely red and you
never turn red.” She touched his face tenderly.
It seemed to burn him and he backed away. “I am
fine.” The images in his mind changed to what he’d like to do with her. He
wondered how many escorts she’d had and what it would be like for him to really
love her.
More pictures flashed through his mind and some
didn’t make any sense. The last one was of him and the Seven Elders standing
over the cliffs overlooking the Astolat River, as his brothers tried to drown a
tanned half-human half Famila baby—Their baby. Did this actually occur and he
was just now remembering it, or was it a fear he had harbored, should they ever
conceive a child? “I have no intention or interest in a physical relationship
with you,” he abruptly blurted out. Nothing good could come of anything like
that happening between them.
She gave him a blank stare. “Okay.”
“You mentioned earlier that we had not talked about
something. I am guessing that is what you meant.”
“Um, yes,” she said quietly.
“It cannot happen between us,”
he replied.
Bisi Leyton was born in East London in 1978. She grew up in
London, Nigeria and the States, listening to the stories life and love from
aunts, cousins and big sisters.She lives in London, but has worked around
Europe including France, Germany, Ireland, Belgium and the Czech Republic. She
has a fondness for reading graphic novels.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Wisteriabooks
Current Blog: http://bisileyton.blogspot.com/
Old Blog: http://bisileyton.wordpress.com/
Twitter: @bisileyton

I've been seeing this book all over the place. Will have to look into it. :)
Thanks for the Blurbs and Excerpts :) The series sounds creative and fun...if a little dark :) but that's okay...I like that!
thanks for the chance to win
Both excerpts were exciting. This sounds like a greatl story.
How did you come up with new ideas for this book?
shadowrunner1987 at gmail dot com
It's an intersting topic to read about, did you had any help while writing the story?
lennascloud AT gmail DOT com
Are there times when you don't have any inspiration but a deadline is close?
galaschick78 AT gmail Dot com
The covers are really cool!
The excerpts do make you want to read more.
The covers are very eye-catching, which I always find to be important. :)
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